Girl Online is the debut novel by online sensation Zoe Sugg, best known to many as Zoella. With over 5 million subscribers on YouTube and 2 million Twitter followers, the novel was destined to be a success and it didn't disappoint.
'Girl Online' follows 16-year-old Penny who owns an anonymous blog called 'Girl Online'. She uses her blog to write about her hopes, dreams and troubles in her everyday life. Whilst on a trip to New York she meets mysterious Noah Flynn, a guitar playing, floppy-haired guy from Brooklyn. Penny falls in love with Noah, blogging everything about her experience online, but little does she know that Noah is hiding a secret, a secret that could destroy her friendship and her anonymity forever.
There has been a lot of controversy over 'Girl Online' with rumours of a 'ghost author' but regardless of this, it is a brilliant story. I read 'Girl Online' in approximately 3 days, I couldn't put it down. I ended up staying up until 3am reading because the story was so intriguing. Penny is a character most girls can relate to; a clumsy young girl who struggles with relationships without making a fool out of herself. The book made me laugh out loud, some of the things Penny and Elliot get up to are absolutely hilarious.
It is clear that Zoe didn't write the whole book herself but it is evident that she has had a lot of input; the story has 'Zoella' written all over it. When I started the book, I thought that Penny was going to be based on Zoe but, although they both have a blog and suffer from anxiety, they couldn't be more different. I completely fell in love with Noah and I wish I could have a Noah of my own! The big secret he is hiding is quite obvious from the beginning (well it was for me) and the suspense for him to reveal the secret to Penny is at times unbearable but the adorable ending really makes up for it.
Also, I really loved the front cover of the book. The fact Zoe got her viewers involved by including their photos on the front of the novel was a lovely touch and the bright colours made it appealing. As a viewer of Zoe's videos and a reader of her blog, I knew that I couldn't wait to read 'Girl Online' and I seriously wasn't disappointed.
Girl Online - Zoe Sugg
Rating: 5 Stars
Recommended: YES
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