4 October 2016

Blogtober and Disney Announcement

I can't believe it's October already, it only feels like last week since I was welcoming in the New Year with all my friends at Charlotte's annual party. This week I went back to University which was extremely hard for me; I've been off since April so that's a good six months. It's going to be really hard to get back into the routine and get my creative mind working again but I'm really looking forward to having things to do. 

Also, I'd like to apologise for neglecting my blog for a while. I've been lacking inspiration for blog posts, and I've been spending a bit more time on my new YouTube Channel. However, I felt like something was missing and I realised how long it had been since I posted on here. So, to get me back into the swing of things I'm going to be doing 'Blogtober' which means I will be posting something on here every single day in October and I'm so so sooo excited to get back to blogging again. Before anyone mentions anything, I do realise I am four days late but we're just going to have to deal with it!

In other news, I have the biggest most excitingly magical announcement to make. We all know that Disney is one of my favourite things in the world and it makes me very happy to tell you that I'm going to be returning to Disneyland Paris in less than three weeks!!!!!
It was a really last minute decision on behalf of my friend Chloe and I, but I'm super excited to go back and experience even more of the magic. This also means more Disney blog posts for you to enjoy, and I know how much you all love Disney blog posts. I'll be there for the Halloween season and will also be attending the Soiree so if any of you will be attending, make sure you come and say hello to me if you see me around.

Do you have any Disney trips coming up soon?

Lots of Love,

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