8 June 2024

Twenty Six Things I Learned Being 26

I'm Officially In My Late Twenties!

Honestly, why did I ever feel old at 20!? I was literally a child.

Tomorrow, I welcome in my twenty seventh year of life. It doesn't seem two seconds since I was writing my 'Twenty Things I Learned At 20' post. When I read it back I can't help but wish I could go back to being that age again when things weren't so complicated. However there's one thing that hasn't changed; I didn't know what I was doing back then and I still don't know what I'm doing now. I guess that's what's fun about being in your late twenties, you're still young enough to dream but old enough to chase it.

If you're new here, welcome to the yearly tradition on my blog where I tell you about all the things I've learned in this past year. Twenty six has been a crazy year (saturn return, is that you?) and a lot has changed for me personally; I travelled to some beautiful countries, focused on my mental health, and I lost a huge part of my life when I said goodbye to my darling boy Buster. 

I know I say this all the time but I genuinely look forward to writing these posts every year, it's so nice to look back and see how much I've grown as a person. 

So without further ado, here are 26 things I learned in my twenty sixth year.

1. Heatless Curls Are A Game Changer

I'm on the heatless curl hype and I'm obsessed. I bought my heatless curler from Aldi and it's so simple to use. Literally just wrap your hair around the curling rod as tight as you can, secure it with a scrunchie and voila! You wake up in the morning with effortless curls. 

2. Stop Being So Available All The Time

I include boundaries in every single one of these posts but they are so important. I'm learning to stop being so available all the time. It's okay to leave your phone at home and be in the moment, you don't need to be the beck and call of people all the time. 

3. Castor Oil Is Incredible For Period Pains

Every month I suffer with terrible period pains, to the point where I'm walking round with two hot water bottles and dosed up on medication. I was introduced to castor oil by Dr Barbara O'Neill who recommends to put a little drop in your belly button and around your stomach area every morning. I started doing this 3 months ago and to my surprise, it actually worked. If you're suffering with bad period pains and are looking for a natural remedy then get yourself a bottle of castor oil and give it a try!

4. Corfu Is One Of The Most Stunning Places

My twenty sixth year saw me take a trip to the beautiful island of Corfu and it's one of my favourite destinations I've ever been to. The Old Town is absolutely stunning and it's the perfect place to pretend you're living your Mamma Mia dreams, I know I was!

5. If It Didn't Open, It Wasn't Your Door

Have faith in the fact that what is meant for you will never pass you by; rejection is redirection.

6. Radio 2 Is So Much Better Than Radio 1

Is this the real sign I'm in my late twenties? I can proudly say I'm a regular Radio 2 listener and I absolutely love it. From Vernon in the morning, to Scott in the afternoon, to Rylan and Ry-biza on a Saturday; they literally play tune after tune.

7.  It's Okay To Say No

Sometimes it's a good idea to take a break and stop packing out your social calendar through fear of letting people down.

8. Late Home Flights Are So Much Better

I just love spending the last day of my holiday chilling on a rooftop bar before heading for my flight home. It makes the trip feel that little bit longer and slightly helps with the holiday blues. 

9. Nothing Prepares You For The Loss Of A Pet

Earlier this year, I said goodbye to my darling boy, Buster. We were lucky to love him for 15 years but nothing could have ever prepared me for the day we said goodbye. It's one of the hardest things I've ever been through. It's crazy isn't it? We think our pets are going to live forever, even though we know one day they'll go over the rainbow bridge. I wish they could live forever though because I miss him everyday. 

Goodnight my Buster Boo, I love you endlessly x

10. Nothing Lasts Forever

I learned this lesson in two ways; the first is that if you're going through a tough time then you must have faith that it will pass, the second is that you should treasure all the happier times you have with those you love, live in the moment and never take it for granted.

11. Liverpool To Dublin Is The Quickest Flight Ever

I'm still not over the fact it takes 30 minutes to get from Liverpool to Dublin on a flight. That's the same amount of time it takes for me to get from my house to Liverpool, madness.

12.  Dublin Is Perfect For A Day Trip

Following on nicely from my last point, take this as your sign to take yourself on a little day trip to Dublin; visit the Temple Bar, have a pint of Guinness and take a stroll around Trinity College. If you fancy seeing what we got up to in Dublin, I wrote a little blog post all about it. 

13. Everyone Needs To Go And See 2:22 A Ghost Story

I don't want to say too much so all I will say is that it's one of the best pieces of theatre I've seen in years and you absolutely must go and see it for yourself. I won't shut up about it and neither will you!

14. Stop Stressing About What You Post On Socials

So what if your hair doesn't look perfect or the lighting isn't quite right? I promise people are not bothered. The less you care about what people think, the happier you'll be. 

15. Being Near The Sea Makes Me Happy

There's just something so calming about being near the sea, listening to the waves and breathing in the fresh air. It's one of my happy places.

16. Independence Isn't A Bad Thing

If someone is intimidated by your independence then that says more about them than it does about you. It's okay to want to spend time on your own and recharge your social battery.

17. I Actually Quite Enjoy Guinness

As long as it's got a little bit of blackcurrant in it.

18. Stop Comparing To Your Teenage Self

I don't know who needs to hear this but stop comparing your twenty six year old body to your sixteen year old body; you've grown from a young girl into a young woman and you should be so proud of who you are. It's also completely normal for your personality, your style and your interests to change, embrace it!

19. The Beauty Crop Do The Best Setting Sprays

Their Glow Milk Mist has been a holy grail in my make up bag for the past year, it gives a gorgeous glowy finish all year round and keeps your make up looking perfect all day.

20. Ibiza Is A Whole Vibe

Last year we booked a spontaneous trip to Ibiza and it's safe to say I fell in love with everything about the island, from the music to the sunsets, it just felt as though it was my kind of place. I knew it would be a destination I enjoyed but I didn't expect to love it as much as I did, I'm definitely in my Ibiza era!

21. Cafe Mambo Is Incredible

Watching the sunset at Cafe Mambo in Ibiza is simply stunning. It's something I've wanted to do for years so to be sat there drinking cocktails and listening to the best disco house music was a dream come true. As you can tell from the photo, I was really happy to be there.

22. Don't Be Embarrassed About Where You're At

It's okay if your life isn't looking the same as those around you, we're all on different levels and as long as your happiness is a priority, that is what matters. Remember, you are exactly where you're meant to be.

23. The Scouse Pantomime At Liverpool Royal Court Is Next Level Hilarious

We watched Scouse Dick Whittington last year and I can honestly say I have never laughed at a pantomime so much. I can't believe I haven't been to see one sooner!

24. Social Media Does Not Define Your Worth

You are not the number of interactions you get on social media, don't let numbers on a screen define your worth.

25. Self Date Days Are So Important

Make time for them.

26. Be Proud Of Yourself

This is your sign to give yourself more credit and be proud of yourself; for the big things, the little things and everything in-between. You're doing great.

I can't wait to celebrate with my family and friends tomorrow.
Here's to Chapter 27!

Lots of Love,
Meg x


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